William C. Porter
1917 - 2015
Lt. Colonel CO F 382nd
Leyte, Okinawa, Korea




Bill Porter Poem

eWilliam "Bill" Carlton Porter was born to Frederick and Katherin Porter, March 11, 1917 in Piniele Montana. He was the third of five children, elder brother Charles, elder Sister Katherine, younger sister Clara and younger Brother Raymond.

The Porter family reloacated to Stratton Nebraska in 1918. There Bill helped at the Porter General Store, while attending Stratton Public School from 19-24-1936

While employed by Lampson Brothers Brokerage, Bill attended the University of Nebraska. He was inducted into the U.S. army in 1941: CO E 382nd Infantry 96th Division, also known as The Deadeyes.

He became Company Commander of CO F 382nd in 1943 while in combat on Okinawa.

In 1946 Bill married his long time sweetheart, Marjorie Jane Wagner. The couple raised two boys: William Daniel and Mark Frederick. .

He saw combat again in Korea from 1952-1954

Bill was a highly decorated Lieutenant Colonel in 1961.

Bill became a stockbroker Employed by Hinto Jones until the company discontinued.

Bill was a 32 degree Mason, member of the Robert Burns 173 Lodge in Stratton Nebrask since 1938t

Following a divorce in 1971, Bill purchased a large piece of property in Marblemount, WA.

e"Many brave men did not get the credit due to them, medals of various types for valor, because they were either not observed or reported to authorities to write up the honor. But many performed above and beyond the call of duty. It did not happen frequently but several times my men were in hand-to-hand combat. This shows that we were in unusually close contact on the front lines. Yes, a few men went AWOL rather than face most certain injury or death. I have said that we in the 96th have been to HELL and some returned alive or wounded. Those AWOL people must have the lowest self-concept possible."

Bill Porter 4-16-09

w   w
Captain Porter with Family
Bill Porter 2014
wWilliam C Porter Intervieww




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Some Photos from the Collection of Bill Porter
Click any picture for printable jpg image
382nd 2nd Battalion Members
On vintage radio - CLICK for Radiotelography
Poker Game
Taking a Nap Army Style
Taking a break during Basic
Taking a Lunch break during Basic
Thanksgiving meal during Basic
Bill Porter's Message to the Deadeyes
CLICK for more photos from the collection of Bill Porter and others
Video commemorating the life of William C. Porter, made by friend Tina-Rae Martin


In Memory of William C Porter


Just in case you missed it...

See Bill Porter's message to all Deadeyes



